Government Protected Itself and Its Business Partners, Not You.

Have you heard of Public-Private Partnerships? They didn’t exist before the mid-1990s.

A Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is the merging of the Public (Government) and the Private (non-profits, foundations and Corporations) into a Partnership (a legal business arrangement comprised of two or more entities).

From Investopedia: “Public-private partnerships typically have contract periods of 20 to 30 years or longer. Financing comes partly from the private sector but requires payments from the public sector and/or users over the project’s lifetime. The private partner participates in designing, completing, implementing, and funding the project, while the public partner focuses on defining and monitoring compliance with the objectives.”

On April 17, 2020, the NIH announced that the U.S. Government was was entering into a Public-Private Partnership called ACTIV (Acclerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines).

ACTIV was coordinated by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) and brought together eight Government Agencies (including the NIH, the HHS, the CDC, the FDA and the Department of Defense), four Non-Profits (including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and twenty Pharmaceutical Corporations (including J&J, Moderna and Pfizer).

In the announcement, NIH lamented that “the research community” was sifting though over 100 potential preventative treatments for Covid-19, but “many studies could fail to enroll enough patients to answer their research questions.”

Therefore, there was “a need to coordinate and streamline processes” and “prioritize the most promising vaccine candidates and move them into clinical trials in a way that is safe and efficient.”

The Organization Chart of the ACTIV Public-Private Partnership shows a clear bias toward the development of vaccines and not inexpensive “therapeutic interventions.” Indeed, one of their stated goals was to “accelerate the evaluation of vaccine candidates to enable rapid authorization or approval.”

The Public Partner’s responsibility is to “define and monitor compliance with the objectives.” So Government (the Public Partner) issued illegal “mandates” at the federal, state and local levels. Using the threat of social ostracization and job loss, MORE vaccines got into more arms than otherwise would have.

In addition to approving the vaccines, the FDA “helped” the Partnership by spreading misinformation online. It issued the infamous August 21, 2021 tweet stating “You are Not a Horse. You are not a Cow. Seriously y’all, Stop it.” and linking to an article on the FDA website entitled “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat Covid-19.”

Thankfully, three doctors (who were unjustly targeted by their employers and medical boards for using Ivermectin) just won their lawsuit against the FDA. The judge ruled that the FDA acted outside of its authority, and illegally interfered with doctors’ ability to practice medicine with its aggressive campaign against Ivermectin.

If you scroll down on this page to “ACTIV-6 Repurposed Drugs”, you will see that the Partnership conducted three clinical trials for Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine and Fluticasone. There are three trials for Ivermectin. All of these trials did not start recruiting test subjects until May 2021 and as of August 2022 had not completed their enrollments for the trials. Finally, the ACTIV Partnership concluded last Fall that Ivermectin shows no efficacy. Meanwhile this real-time meta-analysis of 93 studies proves otherwise.

Overcoming the Covid Darkness discusses the science behind the effective “HCQ Cocktail” regime Dr. George Fareed (Harvard Medical School Graduate, former NIH scientist and M.D. with over 30 years of clinical experience treating HIV and other infectious diseases, as well as practicing primary care medicine) and his colleague Dr. Brian Tyson used to help 7,000 people survive Covid in 2020. Ivermectin was later added to their Covid protocol.

In early 2020, many doctors identified several existing drugs to treat the respiratory, viral, vascular and inflammatory symptoms of Covid because that’s their job. And when you think about it, how could there NOT be? Big Pharma TV ads relentlessly push pills for everything from heart disease to hair loss, but there wasn’t ONE THING a doctor could give a patient to lessen, prevent or eliminate Covid symptoms?

No, according to Government there wasn’t. The Private, Corporate Partners were able to skip the usual multi-year testing of vaccines because the Public Partner–Government–granted them an Emergency Use Authorization (given only if no treatments are available) and exempted them from all liability.

The Government is now in the Business of making vaccines, so they tried to stop doctors from doctoring and force the world to wait for the vaccines to “end Covid.” Covid patients were not treated, but rather isolated and usually ventilated in hospitals, where many of them died.

Big Pharma (and Deborah Birx) knew from the get-go these “vaccines” would not stop transmission of the virus. In fact, viral transmissibility was never even tested in Pfizer’s trails. Covid (whose symptoms now match those of the common cold or flu) will always be with us. This fits nicely with the Partnership’s multi-year term. New boosters to “fight covid” are now rolled out every few months.

What else is a Business Partnership devoted to making and selling vaccines supposed to do for the next twenty or thirty years?

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